Concessions, support and payment assistance

If you hold a valid concession card, you may be eligible for a discount on your water bill.

We also offer a number of payment and customer support options if you are having difficulty paying your water bill.

In your language

We’ve translated the key information on this page into different languages to support our multicultural community. We also provide a free interpreter service.


Pensioners and eligible concession card holders may be eligible for discounted bills.

If you hold an eligible concession card, you may qualify for a 50% discount (up to a yearly maximum) on your water and sewerage charges.

To receive a discount, you’ll need to first register your concession details with us. We validate your eligibility with Centrelink, so please ensure your details are up to date.

Payment plans

We offer a range of flexible and tailored solutions to help you pay your water bill, whatever your individual circumstances.

There are no additional costs to access any of these services.

Support programs

We understand our customers lives can change according to circumstances, and any of us  can sometimes face financial challenges.

We offer a number of customer support programs and can tailor an option to suit your individual needs.

There are no additional costs to access any of these services.

Get in touch, we’re here to help.

If you are having trouble paying your bill, experiencing violence at home, or want to learn more about our options for customers in financial hardship, let us know.

We will put you in touch with a specialist who will deal with your enquiry promptly, sensitively and confidentially.

Once you’ve let us know your situation, and we are working together towards a solution, you will be exempt from any debt collection activity.

Get in touch