Bushfire and your water supply

Parts of our service region have been identified as high fire danger areas by the Country Fire Authority (CFA).

We are prepared for bushfires and have plans in place to protect our water supply, however we recommend that when preparing a fire plan for your property, you consider an independent water supply instead of relying on mains water.

During a bushfire emergency, there may extra demands on our system and potential damage to our infrastructure. For these reasons, we are unable to guarantee pressure or an uninterrupted water supply.

During a fire, or on days declared extreme or catastrophic fire danger rating, it may not be safe for us to enter a bushfire zone to manage or repair our network.

Independent water supplies

An independent water supply, such as water tanks, provides the best chance of defending your property in a bushfire.

Pumping water

Consult a pump specialist for suitable fire-fighting pumps and fittings required to protect your home.

Consider a non-electrical pump as your power is not guaranteed during a bushfire (but also be mindful of the risks associated with flammable fuels).

Water pressure and quality

To maintain water pressure and supply during a fire, we may not be able to treat water as usual.

If this occurs, your water will need to be boiled before drinking. We will endeavour to notify you via local and social media should this be necessary.

We recommend keeping a supply of drinking water (for instance jugs of water in your fridge) on high-risk days or when bushfires are likely.

Stay up to date

In the event of a fire or other emergency, stay up to date of changing conditions. Below are a number of trusted channels for emergency updates.