School resources

We have a range of educational resources available at no cost for students and teachers, exploring all aspects of our water story in fun, interesting and interactive ways.

Use these lesson plans, activity sheets, fact sheets, posters and videos to supplement school-based learning. These resources are also free for parents supporting their childrens home learning.

The resources on this page may be printed and photocopied for educational use.

We will continue to add resources, so watch this space!

Lesson plans

These comprehensive lesson plans are designed to help teachers deliver water-themed content in their own classrooms.

The lesson plans can be used on their own, or as pre- or post-visit activies to complement an excursion to one of our sites.


A great way to to help students learn about water.

Education kits

These detailed, printable booklets can help you plan an entire curriculum unit on water.

Activity sheets

These printable activity sheets are ready to use.

They are a great way to add fun to your water-themed unit, and can be used as a warm-up or extension activities.

Fact sheets

The following facts sheets provide background information on our most popular excursion sites.

These resources are designed to be used as part of your pre- or post-visit activities.


These colourful posters will brighten up your classroom, and help support your next learning unit.

Contact us if you would like printed copies.

Fun stuff

These fun bookmarks and sticker templates are a great way to reward students for good work, or add value to your water-themed unit of study.

“Water: Learn it! Live it!”

A comprehensive curriculum resource for primary and secondary school teachers, Water – Learn it! Live it! (4th edition) is designed to assist students in learning about all aspects of the water story.

This resource is flexible in its use and allows educators the opportunity to pick and choose which activities will suit the needs of their students.

Water – Learn it! Live it! is a joint initiative developed by Melbourne’s government-owned water retailers: City West Water, South East Water, and Yarra Valley Water.