Cleaning underway after sewer leak

07 Feb 2025

Water quality results from the river are returning to background levels and are expected to be back to normal by Saturday 08 February.

Clean up works in a part of the parkland west of McIntyre Bridge are progressing well with some localised areas being slowed by wet ground conditions following Sunday’s extreme weather event.

Please follow advisory signage.

04 Feb 2025

Barwon Water has contained a sewer leak and is cleaning the affected area on the south side of the Barwon River at Belmont.

Part of the parkland west of McIntyre Bridge has been closed, as crews work to clean the impacted areas and restore public access.

The community is asked to follow advisory signage and avoid contact with the affected locations until it is safe to access.

The sewer blockage and leak occurred on 04 February. It was likely caused by a combination of tree roots, a build-up of non-flushable wet wipes getting stuck in the system, and high flows resulting from heavy rainfall on Sunday night.

We will continue to keep the community informed as we work to restore the area. For support, please call us on 1300 656 007.

The incident highlights the importance of keeping the sewerage system healthy.

People should only flush the 3Ps – Pee, Poo and (toilet) Paper – as toilets and drains are not designed to handle other material.

Barwon Water’s “Don’t Flush It!” campaign encourages customers to put items like tissues, paper towels, cotton buds and non-flushable wipes in the bin, as they don’t break down in the sewerage system.

For more information, visit

Community members can also get an interactive and educational experience of the importance of keeping sewers healthy at its free Museum of Modern (f)Art – which is open every Thursday from 9:30 am to 10:30 am during Term 1 and Term 2, 2025. For more details, visit

Advisory signage near the Barwon River at Belmont.